Ocean Obs'19 Text Logo


September 15-20, 2019

As part of the decadal conference series, OceanObs’19 galvanized the ocean observing community ranging from scientists to end users. OceanObs’19 outcomes and actions seeks to improve response to scientific and societal needs of a fit-for-purpose integrated ocean observing system, for better understanding the environment of the Earth, monitoring climate, and informing adaptation strategies as well as the sustainable use of ocean resources.

Conference Outcomes



Venice, Italy, 21-25 Sept 2009

’09 brought together more than 600 scientists to build a common vision for the provision of routine and sustained global information on the marine environment sufficient to meet society’s needs for describing, understanding and forecasting marine variability, weather, seasonal to decadal climate variability, climate change, sustainable management of living marine resources, and assessment of longer term trends.

Marina in St. Raphael, France


Saint Raphaël, France, 17-22 Oct 1999

’99 galvanized about 300 attendees with an interest in ocean observations and climate. The conference build on technical and scientific interests in ocean observing systems as well as the data analyzing, modeling and assimilation.