Living Action Plan
The Living Action Plan is our adaptive strategy which will continue to develop over the next decade. The discussions, presentations, and outcomes from OceanObs’19 resulted in our Recommendation Synthesis. With it, we have assembled a plan of action, outlining a variety of actionable tasks that include, but are not limited to, the creation of working groups, engagement of key stakeholders, effective communication, and capacity development. This living strategy is how we will hold ourselves accountable, ensuring that we accomplish these tasks over the years and communicating those accomplishments with the broader community. It is also a tool that members of our vast community can use to submit information for new groups, projects, and events. As stewards of the ocean, we will adapt and adjust the strategy whenever necessary.
Outcomes and Living Actions
- A Sustainable, Fit-For-Purpose Ocean Observing System: Responding to User Needs
- An Ocean of Data: NOAA’s Roles in Marine Extreme Events and Hazards
- Arctic Observing Systems
- Blue Economy and Sustainable Development
- Building an International Transparent Ocean Community
- Capacity Building
- Climate Change and Variability
- Data Integration with User Products
- Design and Implementation of a Global Harmful Algal Bloom Observing System
- Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity
- End-User Engagement: A Perspective from China
- Environmental DNA in Ocean Observing
- Fostering an Ocean-Literate Generation: An Approach at the Interface of Science…
- Global Observing System for Marine Debris
- Governance Needs
- How Research Institutions Will Enable Innovation for the Global Ocean Observing…
- Indigenous Ocean Governance
- Innovation in Ocean Observing Platforms and Infrastructure
- Integrated Ocean Observations I: Across Geographic Scales
- Integrated Ocean Observations II: Diverse Stakeholder Needs
- Integrated Ocean Observations III: Across Disciplines and Networks
- Modeling and Assimilation Innovation
- NASA's Decade for Ocean Observing from Space
- Observing Needs in the Deep Ocean
- Observing Technology Innovation: Platforms and Technology
- Observing Technology Innovation: Satellite
- Ocean Best Practices
- Ocean Partnerships for Sustained Observing
- Ocean, Weather, and Climate Forecasting
- Open Source Software Revolution
- Powering the Blue Economy: Energy Innovation for Ocean Observations
- Traditional Knowledge Building
- UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Uncertainty Quantification